UDSMR WeeFIM II® Software
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This system is restricted solely to authorized users of Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation, a division of UB Foundation Activities, Inc., a New York not-for-profit corporation ("UDSMR") for legitimate business purposes only. Unauthorized access is a violation of the law and unauthorized users may be subject to criminal and/or civil penalties under state, federal or other applicable domestic and foreign laws. The use of this system may be monitored and recorded for administrative and security reasons. If such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity, UDSMR may provide the evidence of such activity to law enforcement officials. By using this system, you indicate your awareness of and consent to these terms and conditions of use.
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© 2004-2006 Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation (UDSMR), a division of UB Foundation Activities, Inc. (UBFA). All rights reserved.
All marks associated with UDSMR, WeeFIM, and WeeFIM II are owned by UBFA. For the purposes of this software, 'WeeFIM' is hereby defined as 'WeeFIM®' and 'WeeFIM II' is hereby defined as 'WeeFIM II®'.